Cell Division

Note Packet

Lesson Topic Essential Idea and Objective(s) IB Curriculum Connections Activities
1 Cell Cycle and Interphase

The cell cycle consists of interphase, mitosis and cytokinesis.  

  • Distinguish between interphase, mitosis and cytokinesis. 

During interphase, many metabolic reactions occur, including DNA replication and protein synthesis. 

  • List example metabolic reactions occurring during cell interphase.

  • Outline events of G1, S, G2 and G0 phases of interphase.

Interphase is a very active phase of the cell cycle with many processes occurring in the nucleus and cytoplasm (1.6.U4).

Initial Knowledge Audit (ICI)

Cell cycle (vision learning)

Cell Cycle CFU

A&B:  How cells measure themselves

Review of cell cycle

2 Prophase and Eukaryotic DNA packaging

Supercoiling of the DNA prevents DNA replication and transcription and allows duplicated DNA to condense.

  • Explain the levels of supercoiling (DNA→ nucleosome → beads on a string → 30nm fiber →  unreplicated interphase chromosome → replicated metaphase chromosome).

  • Explain why chromosomes must condense during mitosis.

Proteins called histones are associated with DNA and assist in the supercoiling during prophase. 

  • Describe the structure of eukaryotic DNA and associated histone proteins during interphase (chromatin).

  • Describe the structure of a replicated chromosome, including the centromere and sister chromatids.

  • Draw and label the structure of a nucleosome, including the H1 protein, the octamer core proteins, linker DNA and two wraps of DNA.

  • Identify nucleosome structures using molecular visualization software. 

  • Outline the mechanism of histone-DNA association.

Eukaryotic chromosomes are linear DNA molecules associated with histone proteins (3.2.U3).

Chromosomes condense by supercoiling during mitosis (1.6.U2).

Nucleosomes help supercoil the DNA (7.1.U1).

Utilization of molecular visualization software to analyze the association between protein and DNA within a nucleosome (7.1.S2).

Review of chromosome structure

DNA packaging handwritten notes

Multi Scale Modeling of Chromatin and Nucleosomes (through 2:05) 

Visualizing Nucleosomes in Jmol

DNA in the Cell Cycle notes

CFU:  DNA packaging

Chromosomes and kinetochore video

3 Mitosis phases

Mitosis is the division of the nucleus into two genetically identical daughter cells. 

  • State the function of mitosis.

  • List four processes which involve mitosis.

  • State the names of the four phases of mitosis.

  • Draw typical eukaryotic cells as they would appear during the interphase and the four phases of mitosis.

  • Outline four events that occur during prophase.

  • Outline the process of metaphase, inclusive of the role of microtubules and the kinetochore.

  • Outline the process of anaphase.

  • Outline four events that occur during telophase.

  • Determine the phase of mitosis of a cell viewed in a micrograph or with a microscope.

Mitosis is the division of the nucleus into two genetically identical daughter nuclei (1.6.U1).

Identification of phases of mitosis in cells viewed with a microscope or in a micrograph (1.6.S1).

Mitosis (vision learning)

Mitosis Scitable 1

MItosis Scitable 2

Mitosis and DNA Check for Understanding

Mitosis hand motions

Mitosis card sorting directions

Mitosis cards

Metaphase spindle (old)

Identify the phase review

Onion mitosis lab

Root rip slide

Stop action videos OR wiki sticks modeling OR chromasocks for virtual

Allen Cell

Chromosome and Kinetochore video

Drew Berry: Animations of unseeable biology

4 Cytokinesis

Cytokinesis is the division of the cell and occurs after mitosis. 

  • Define cytokinesis.

  • State the difference between mitosis and cytokinesis.

  • Contrast cytokinesis in plant and animal cells. 

  • Describe the formation of the cleavage furrow in animal cell cytokinesis.

  • Describe the formation of the middle lamella and cell wall in plant cell cytokinesis.

Cytokinesis occurs after mitosis and is different in plants and animal cells  (1.6.U3).

Cytokinesis CFU

Lumen learning cytokinesis

Cytokinesis review

Reading:  cytokinesis mechanism in Yeast

Nuclear Envelope Dis- and Reassembly

5 Unit Wrap Up and Review Not applicable Not applicable

Kahoot review (ICTD)

Quizizz Review (OCI)

1 page-summary (OCI)

Final Knowledge Audit (ICI)

6 Assessment Not applicable Not applicable